台宣信主的孩子們 Those Believing kids in Mission Taiwan

溫正祥John Wen, 4/26/2013


今早為台宣禱告時,過去五年來許多國小孩子們決志信主的影像幕幕的顯現在我眼前, 一時叫我沈思在這些三千多位信主孩子們的身上: 他們能懂嗎? 還是像大人一樣的真信了?!

台宣同工在營會前和其中為這些孩子們禱告, 耐心的在主愛裡事奉他們, 用心的傳福音給他們, ..而這些鄉下的孩子們在營會中都乖順的听講嗎? 沒有, 反而吵死了! 有搶著回答我們的問題嗎? 也沒有, 反而回避又搗蛋! 然而最後在我們同工滿有聖靈的充滿下發出呼召時, 絕大多數的孩子們卻都站起來決志信了主。他們是莊重的站起來几分鐘之久, 不是隨便的半舉手几秒而已。雖沒有名牧的講道和扣人心絃的詩歌感動, 听的只是我們台宣同工再次講的福音, 但他們卻是清清礎礎的接受了主。他們要用心的跟著我們台上隊員一句句的唸決志禱告, 不是稀俚哗啦的亂講。他們有些且回到班上又由台宣隊員再確認, 不是應付了事。他們敬虔領受的情景叫我難忘。

我們走後, 他們有足夠的跟進嗎? 沒有, 那這些三千多決志的孩子們算是信主了嗎? 確實是主的羊嗎?

我心中沒有怀疑乃是由衷肯定的。那裡沒有像美國這樣信主的坏境, 住家裡外所接觸的, 放眼所及都是拜隅象和邪靈的作為, 又處在世代傳統限制和民俗定規之下, 小孩子不能、也不敢太信出來。不足的跟進雖不能幫助他們多活出救恩來, 然而真決志信主的有主生命的種子在萌芽,他們蒙了重生, 不是由於能壞的種子, 乃是由於不能壞的種子, 是藉著神活潑常存的道(彼前1:23)。主親自保守這些孩子們在險惡坏境中的成長。而我們年年的來到這同樣的地方傳解福音,也補充了當地教會盡了力仍不足的有限跟進。

台宣隊員年年盡心、盡力的來這裡為主做大使命的宣教事工, 愛這些孩子們不是徒然的(林前15:58), 信實的主會一一的記念你們用心、辛苦的尋回屬於他的人, 而許多同心齊來奉獻金錢以及為我們向神代求的台宣伙伴, 神必叫我們撒種的和收割的一同歡欣到永生(約4:35-37) 。



It’s been said, “The Gospel has come to you because it’s on its way to someone else.” There’s so much truth in that statement because the message of Jesus Christ should never terminate with the receiver. Rather, it should prompt the receiver to action!


John Wen, 4/26/2013

As I was praying for Taiwan mission this morning, the scene of many elementary school kids coming to the Lord in the past five years was arising to my eyes. It dropped me into deep thinking of those more than three thousands of kids: Were they able to know Christ? Or were they really like we adults believing in Jesus?

Mission Taiwan workers prayed for those kids before and during the camp, patiently served them in God’s love, earnestly sharing the gospel with them, .. But were those countryside kids listening? No, they were noisy. Were they eager to answer our questions? No, they evaded and even made troubles. But when we were filled with the Spirit to call them coming to the Lord, almost all did. And they rose up from their chairs solemnly for few minutes, not raising their hands half way in the air for just few seconds. Although there were no big name pastors preaching and no touching hymns being played in the background to touch them, only our teammates shared the gospel once more to make them clearly understood. They also repeated the sinners’ prayers after our leaders word by word, slowly and clearly, not rushing through carelessly.  Some of the newly believing kids were challenged to reconfirm back in their classes, and they did, not just for getting away from the pressure. Their sincereness left me an unforgettable  memory.

After we left, did they have enough follow-up discipleship? No, are those more than three thousands of elementary school kids really become believers?  Are the God’s sheep for sure? Though they can’t work out their salvation much, but the seed of their beliefs are growing. Because they have had a new birth, not from the seed of man, but from eternal seed, through the word of a living and unchanging God(1 Pet 1:23). Our Lord will personally take care of those new seeds planted in such an idolatry dark environment. With our year after year mission team coming to this same place, we somewhat supported the local church to do her best in following them up.

I Have no doubt in my heart. Down here, not like American filled with churches, idol worships are everywhere in all directions, under the influence of the family tradition of generations and the culture, kids of such young ages can hardly walk in their new beliefs.

Mission Taiwan teammates did their best to do the great commission for the Lord, the love you gave to serve them is not in vein( I Cor 15:58). Our faithful God remember each of you in seeking His people to return to Him, and those who offered money and prayed for us as mission partners to grant us the great joy of sowing and harvesting in the eternity.

Grace to you and peace from God our Father and the Lord Jesus Christ( Eph 1:2)

P.S. It’s been said, “The Gospel has come to you because it’s on its way to someone else.” There’s so much truth in that statement because the message of Jesus Christ should never terminate with the receiver. Rather, it should prompt the receiver to action!

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