
台宣今年一共80餘人從台東、屏東、苗栗、桃園,関渡到宜蘭,到處領孩子(600多)頌讚神、裁下福音的種子,存埋在他們心中,等時候到了,就各按其時成為主的子民。這次宣道途中也異常聽到,好幾位當地主內肢體向我說到他們之所以信主,都因小時候聽到耶穌的福音,「 你們所做的很有意義,繼續加油努力!」


♥嘉喬姊妹說:今天當快要離開會場的時候,看到班上三個女孩,坐在位子上哭得淚眼汪汪—— 這是我第一次在短宣隊中看到孩子們如此的真情流露,真的相信聖靈的感動♥已在他們心中了. 香港的Monica姊妹也説她班上的四位女生抱在一起哭,還有三男生戚然傷心。 

♥塩埔國小英文營有一半的孩子還記得去年Atlanta 教會團隊的帶領。今年因少了愛鬧的而安靜多多,常看到多有認真學英文及用心祷告的小孩。

在校門送走學生時,一位小孩牽著媽媽的手走向校門,傷心的對我們説,她明年不能來了,因她要畢業升國中。Amy 和我就邀請她回來當助教。想想台宣第一年在里港的孩子都已22歲、工作了,還一有些助教作了傳道人。願神所賜恩典福音的種子存在這些孩子心中,到時萌芽、茁壮,帶他們歸主,在他們的成長中有主引領,行走義路。



Mission Taiwan 2017 Brief

On the last day of the annual English Gospel Camp I was shocked when a big boy in the hallway told me: “I  am about to cry”. Holding my breath on thinking of what to say on that kind of trouble he may have, then , he turned his head away and said: “You are all leaving soon”.

Sister Joan was so touched to see 4 girls weeping together heavily in the final day,  it was the first time in her 8 years of  mission. In her heart she deeply believed that the holy Spirit will continue to lead them to Christ thru the love they received in their hearts.

As we were exiting the school, a girl holding her mom told us, she was sad because she will graduate next year. Amy and I told her to come back to work as a teaching assistant.

Reflecting on the past 10 years of Taiwan mission, many of the over 10 thousands of students have graduated from college, some became believers, some were studying in the seminary and some more went on to be ministers serving in churches and missionaries.

Praise the Lord for His calling over 700s of brothers and sisters in Christ from US and aboard to fulfill His good purpose by using Mission Taiwan ministry in these 11 years.  Pray to Jesus for continuing to send us to extend His glorious kingdom in Taiwan.

  • Something special about this year’s mission,  in several occasions some local brothers and sisters came up to tell me that they came believers all because of learning about Jesus in their childhood. They encouraged us to press on,  doing this very meaningful job!
  • Sister Monica from HK wrote this after mission:

Amen! It’s evident that God has been doing amazing work thru the Taiwan Mission  ministry!  You know, when Cherry n I ran back to deliver gifts to the students, we saw two 5th grade boys crying. We took a few pictures w them n some remaining 5th grade students.

As I look at the photos, we can still see the sadness in their faces. Our good good Father is compassionate.  He has began His good work in them n He will bring it to completion. The harvest is at hand, may He raise workers to partner with Him!

All glory be to God!


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